Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No matter the weather in London, we are still on top girlfriend !!!,

Aaaaaah London why sunshine? And then rain? When can I be able to wear my outfit to go and meet my girlfriends? Looking good to walk just in the street with the sun flashing at me hein? Should I wait for you? Sun? To look gooooood?????
After 12 years in this country, I learnt to wear what I want no matter the weather. And for you girlfriends, I made a lot of selection to highlight your day when is about shopping yeaaaaaaah we love shopping don't we?

You should know me by now, my coup de coeur is in Zara which one exactly? Shop in central London and you may have a chance to guess where.....

One of my favourite, is the Basic blazer with colourful flowers under a white creamy tone noooo I love it ....

You can easily wear it, either with white or blue denim but I think because it is more useful to enhance the beauty of your legs with a lovely Bermuda slightly high waisted colourful one ..... Pink as you can seeeee

Yes, of course I cannot show you something simple as top so this my one, it comes in different ,bright salmon, lime, dark grey,black or white ,yes I show my back so whaaaaaaat......

We are going to stay casual, as I think sometimes, we ask ourselves what to wear without looking too dressy but still in a what I personally call "Ze L.A.M. Style".

I will define it as the look "Don't do Too Much BUT Look At me As Much As You can" especially if we we want to Attract SOMEONE...you know what I mean...? Not your dog giiiirl can you figure it out?

It is not always a question of men, sometimes it is just a question of self esteem when we have to meet some girlfriend and want to look good but not too good, yeah, Ze L.A.M. Style quoi...

See below:

It is simple but catchy, why? This one, Because it is casual maxi baggy trousers with a fancy knitwear, you want to see more?

Think about those days when you have to meet up with some girlfriends but your buddy of the month came to visit you for at least 4 strong days....yes girlfriend we all know the feeling, moody, grumpy and the worst belly ache ...... You figure it out, who is that common friend?...

What to wear? For a first part it's not too bad

It is not enough?

Now imagine someone was looking at you but you were not facing him ... Or her? What can she or he see then?

Yes, now you understand my L.A.M style....
Attention to details, what is catchy what you cannot forget about that person... Her style, her top or else at least it was something....

Another example? Keep it simple look :

More detailed ?

A casual way to dress, a fancy t-shirt and bag under that trend pyjamas look as the trousers is in satin fabric....

Now we want more L.A.M. Style with a touch of glamour....

This for instance,

Is the perfect arsenal, Ze dress.

When you are looking for it, look for the effect you want to feel or to have no what you like otherwise you will end up having a lot of stuff but you will never know how to wear them and it will stay in your closet for long without seeing the light....

We say glamour, let's have a look on the outfit...

We luv you L.A.M. Style look at the detail of the dress..... Completely unusual but glamour , look at the lace around the chest......the bag....shooooees...

Now you can see all the importance of an outfit....

Lovely isn't it?

"Allez" I give you more L.A.M style enjoy !!!!

Need to see this one closer.....

Give me a favor, check the details.... look how pretty it is ...

Fancy a For chic style?

I hope you did enjoy all my ideas about Ze L.A.M. Style as my next post will be with animal print .....ok I give a bit of it......

To be continued...

See u soon... .
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Samuel Close,London,United Kingdom

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Did you miss me??

Hello people!!!

How was your day? Ow sorry, your night maybe? Mine, was fine but could I made it more exciting I think yes. As it is all up to us to improve the flow of our day. I decided, not to do so today but maybe during  this Saturday,  for sure as... I AM OFF . YES, no work for me but anyway who cares???

Recently, I went to Paris and enjoyed my 5 days there. Lovely weather, bars, restaurant and espacilly clubs.

Elegant, sophisticated, classic, expensive or posh look, does it ring a bell for you?? Not at all? Is it not what you describe as  "The FRENCH" look?

Maybe not where I was.
French people start to show some kind of personality, own style on their look but maybe not as strongly as British people. I have started to see some strong colors  such as green mix with some animal print really powerful for this summer trends, look:

Guess what ? In that party most of them were wearing black. So trust me when I saw her, I had a big smile on my face, guess why....I will let you know later on.

You want to wear black? For what? To hide something?? Are we playing Hide and Sick I need to hide myself from the crowd?????  Obviously yeahh!!!  No offence people, but when it is almost everyone who are wearing the same black color leggins or jeans (blue jeans if lucky enough) , yes it is about time to see something different for once....

PS:   what a surprise she is my best friend by the way

Keep it simple, keep it old school yeah but enjoy our style that is what I like about us sometimes......

What else? Oh yeah, I was there too. But what did I wear???

I am sure that ZARA lovers recognize the leather look trousers from Zara Woman and the TRF leather jacket too... but the main concern is again TO BREAK THE BLACK!!!

Yes, I think it is a must DO and especially for us as we are already you know what...... black.
How can you enhance your beauty if you stay in the dark girl???

Unless you play with the fabric (for me, avoid the simple cotton)  make it looks "attracting, catching". For this case, I choose the leather look and play with the accessories the hat for instance or the earings but more importantly a distinctive top with animal print , can you see the difference???

Anyone can do so, as long as you are confident enough to show it.

But this is also applicable for men, you know? What do we like about them? what does allow us to engage a conversation with them? For most of us, is to see if the man looks goooood isn't it?
Then I will add something catchy his eyes or I do not know what?....His kindness? For me, only if the guy is UUUGLLYYY and he is offering me a drink ....lol

Mainly his style,  as I can gossip about him with my girls either the party or else is good or not...

For this part, I have something for you girls look at this!!!

Yes, I think he knows it. He looks damn good, fabulous, we can feeeeel it, too much styyyle...
Bow tie with STYLE, yes, that is a way to look catchy to me, love the style, kind of vintage see the details of his blazer double breasted I do not need to tell what is special about it... please guess... It is too much details for me to tell you please, see it ... Make some comments about it at the bottom of the page  but still I have to say that the beard...not for everyone but it did work very well for him.

Owh! And he was not alone like this!

Yes, with a  hat or a strong color as a bow tie those guys add a difference on their style.

Eventhough, it was a bow tie party organised by THEO PARIS those men were unique for their style  well done guys... I have to say it LOUD.

Hope you see what i mean NOW when I say  showing your confidence  OR who you really are when your time to SHINE in an appropriate time, as God knows what people at work would talk about........ .

See you soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to Mademoiselle Noire.

 For you to understand my concept, YOU MUST READ THIS FIRST:

A woman should be happy, lovely, and beautiful at her best every single day. Yes, this is what has been expected from us by the external world, in other words, OTHERS. 

But how difficult is this? As on top of that you add your daily expenses, monthly bills or "coup de coeur"... also called PROBLEMS.

 Can someone tell me where is our mind when it is about to choose the right garment which will enhance our beauty but also our confidence and pull up our charisma???

I am sure , our mind is somewhere, but where exactly? Only God knows... .

All I can say,  I personally decide to help anyone who are ready to STEP UP.

I feel like to share my ideas, my "coup de coeur" , hope to touch your awareness about  what i think is "a must have", "a  must look “or simply inspiring you to find an outfit for a night out or else through my pics and videos. 

Here it is...


My "coups de coeur":

A strong yellow blazer to make us feel different, noticeable, to show a strong appeal with a touch of glamour and fashion...

See how muh look we can get... Just a strong color as a blazer (zara) add it some stripes  on the bottom and you get a finish look, 
You are surrounded of people but guess who get the attention...

A strong statement isn't it? With as bottom part a flowery trouser all from ZARA

Should we stay with flowers? Then, what do you think about this blazer from Zara....?

I love it , yes it is one of my "Coup de Coeur"...

I think we can do a lot a cloth if we are confident enough to want a change in our look. That is what I want to promote.

This is our moment to shine, think about the way you want to be , not shaving your hair like me of course, but go out there, try to find some time for yourself  to look amazing.

Be inspired... TO  BE CONTINUED...